
Entries Tagged as 'Grey Matter'

Me and My PAL

October 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Me and My PAL


I can’t remember how many times I’ve crossed the international dateline.  Most times, I didn’t have to cross any dateline.  Time was either on fast forward or rewinding depending on which direction I was headed for.  

I’ve been blessed with


Tags: Grey Matter

Meloto’s War With Words

July 14th, 2015 · Comments Off on Meloto’s War With Words

melotoTony Meloto’s name is synonymous with Gawad Kalinga, the foundation he started to stomp out poverty.  His charity work has exalted him to hero level and has brought him high praises and awards including the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award.  He’s …


Tags: Grey Matter

Freedom Gone Awry!

June 9th, 2015 · Comments Off on Freedom Gone Awry!


“Sugod mga kapatid!” (Charge, my brothers.)  That was the cry of Bonifacio to the Katipuneros.  He summoned the courage to lead his men to fight for freedom.  Rizal, Mabini, Bonifacio and hundreds of nameless faces had the courage to stand …


Tags: Grey Matter

PCC’s Controversial Report Gets Blessings From 12 Apostles

May 3rd, 2015 · Comments Off on PCC’s Controversial Report Gets Blessings From 12 Apostles

Once again, the powers that be in the Philippine Community Council (PCC-NSW)  managed to manipulate and get the financial statement approved with the blessings of only their 12 apostles!

Only one person present, Jade Cadelina, objected in view of the …


Tags: Grey Matter


March 22nd, 2015 · Comments Off on HERO-SHIMA & NARRA-SAKI!

After 26 years, the MPC (or whatever name they are called nowadays) at Schofields is finally for sale.  After years of denial and no concrete plan except wishful thinking, we’re back to nothing.  Ahhh, Warasaki, ne!

When the Rooty Hill


Tags: Grey Matter

Send In The Clowns

March 22nd, 2015 · Comments Off on Send In The Clowns

I can’t help but wonder what it is at the PCC elections that drive people to the brink of idiocy?  People forget morals, values, right conduct and twist every rule possible to their advantage. “ Hakutan”  (gathering of voters) becomes …


Tags: Grey Matter