
Mind Boggling

July 27th, 2008 · Comments Off on Mind Boggling

As the World Youth Celebrations have come to a close, Cathoholics are no doubt still reeling, intoxicated with the Spirit.

Kudos to all the volunteers, especially to those who opened their homes to the pilgrims.

I happened to be at


Tags: News

Working For The Man

September 25th, 2007 · Comments Off on Working For The Man

With the Global Filipino conference upon us, I’ve been privileged to have a sneak peep at some of the biographies of the key note speakers arriving down under.  I am in awe at the personal achievements of some.   Not only …


Tags: Features


September 17th, 2007 · Comments Off on Telltale Signs/ NO TEARS FOR ESTRADA

On the day the Estrada verdict was announced, a retired man who sought my help to obtain his social security benefits in the Philippines professed sympathy for the former president, expressing his hope that Estrada would be shown mercy because …


Tags: Writers' Brew

Blind Ambitions

August 26th, 2007 · Comments Off on Blind Ambitions

It would seem that the buzz word on everyone’s lips is “empowerment”. Oooh, such a big word!!  I don’t think people are grasping the concept en toto.  I can’t help but wonder if some mean “empower” or “in power”?

There …


Tags: News