
Bulseco Faces More Woes

March 6th, 2020 · No Comments

By Benjie de Ubago

It’s been only three weeks after the Philippine Community Council of NSW (PCC-NSW) 2020 elections and complaints are piling in. Bulseco faces more woes than he cares to think about but must face the music.

The latest complaints focus on the breach of the constitution and breach of the election rules:

(1)  As per the constitution Article 1, item (4) – Constitution and Membership:

“Only one representative from each financial affiliate is allowed to sit on the Board. “

This is reiterated in the Election Rules. Alric Bulseco was representing Australian Mindanao Multicultural communities.  Serna Ladia, the immediate past president, who signed Bulseco’s nomination, was also from the same organisation. More importantly, Ladia remains on the Board. That’s two in one!  Therefore, Bulseco’s nomination should have been disqualified.  As per PCC-NSW election rules, nominations should have been submitted by hand (personal delivery) or by post to Alric Bulseco or the secretary, Rod Dingle. There is no mention of via email. This then disqualifies all those who submitted their nominations via email. 

There are calls for those who know they are in breach to step down for the sake of integrity and decency.

This is not the first time that Bulseco has chosen to disregard the constitution although he is the first to quote from it when needed.  In 2013, Bulseco was representing Ateneo. When Ateneo resigned in the middle of 2013, Bulseco stayed on the Board.  The constitution clearly states that if the affiliate resigns, the representative steps down and a replacement is found for the position. Collado, the 2013 President ignored this and allowed Bulseco to continue his term. 

Furthermore, Bulseco chose not to allow a PCC pioneer and a former president to speak during the AGM, even if the constitution clearly states that it is allowed.

The BICOL association still has a pending protest on having been disenfranchised at this year’s elections over the date on the authorization form, Bongat’s revocation notice and Zena Samar’s nomination.  While the Returning Officer may have dismissed it as “resolved”, members of BICOL do not agree and are still waiting for their grievances to be resolved.

The most obvious mistake is that the elections should have been conducted by a separate and independent Election committee, not by the candidates themselves. This reeked bias and conflict of interest.  The same applies with the Grievance Committee who should be independent and free from interference of the president.  This is such a blatant disregard for the constitution which does nothing but fuel the ire of those aggrieved. It further stains the reputation of the already fragile image of PCC-NSW.

People are now calling for a public hearing for the rest of the affiliates to decide and resolve the issues. After all, the body has greater power than the Board.


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